Name: Shawn Kelly
Date of Birth: February 28, 1966
Nick Name: "Sengdao"
Marital Status: Single
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
Occupation: Communications/Journalism
How Long in BKK so far: 4 months
Plan to leave: November 2004
Shoots: Left
Favorite NHL Team: Toronto Maple Leafs
Team Status: Active
Favorite Player and Why: Mario Lemeiux. When healthy, (cancer, limp back, bad attitude early in his career) he was simply the greatest offensive player ever. Period.
Most Hated Celebrity and Why: Justin Timberlake.
Do I really need to tell you why?
Dream Woman: Penelope Cruz
Best Habit: Diligence
Worst Habit: Laziness
Favorite Movie: Godfather Part One
Top 3 CD’s of all Time: London Calling (The Clash), Achtung Baby (U2), Born to Run (Bruce Sringsteen)
Bangkok Pet Peeve: Dodgy-looking foreigners with far too much fat, far too ugly tattoos and far too little clothing.
Home Pet Peeve: Canadian smugness
Favorite Drink: Guinness
Favorite Shooter: Rarely down ‘em, except when I have the urge for an orgasm
Favorite Bar or Restaurant in BKK I dunno yet, maybe Brown Sugar
Future Ambitions: To be as smug as a bug in a rug in a house on the east or west coast of Canada

